Power rates hike would weaken economy: expert


A special Session of the Executive Council of Engineers Study Forum, (a registered Think Tank) has resolved not to raise Power Tariffs as it is not technically justified and would unduly raise inflationary pressures on the National Economy including Industry, agriculture and the poor people at large. Most power installations costs have long been recovered and in fact, the power rates should be reduced. The Tariffs raise is only on adhoc basis without merit. Energy System Productivity should be enhanced with Reforms. The Forum representative, participated in an International High level Conference in UK some years back which resolved for Power Tariffs reduction with aged Power System and to boost national economy.

As Special Technical Commission should be set up at Federal level including Technical and economic experts to review and audit the existing Power Tariffs structure and as well as upward Energy rates to strengthen National Economy and to give reliefs to the common people. The session was specially convened under the chair of Engr. Mian Fazal Ahmad having International accreditation.

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